Lets spread the copy pasterino movement together!

copypasta A derogatory term for forum posts which contain a direct or nearly direct copy-and-paste of memes, posts from older forum discussions, or other material, often accompanied by an attempt to pass off the contents as new and original. Commonly seen on 4chan.org's Random ("/b/") forum.

Etymology of Copypasta An English portmanteau of “copy” & “paste”, the term “copypasta” is believed to have been coined by 4chan’s Anon community circa 2006. One of the earliest reference articles on “copypasta” was submitted to Encyclopedia Dramatica in September 2006. Outside of English-speaking regions, such text-based memes are referred by indigenous names.

Navy Seal Copypasta (also known as the “Marine Copypasta,” “Internet Tough Guy Copypasta” and “Gorrila Warfare Copypasta”) is a facetious message containing a series of ridiculous claims and grandios threats that portray the poster as an Internet tough guy stereotype. In the original post, the writer claimed to be a former Navy Seal with a long history of combat experiences, using comical typos and hyperboles like “Gorrila Warfare,” “300 Confirmed Kills” and “I can kill you in over 700 ways with just my bare hands.” Since its emergence in mid-2012, the copypasta has spawned a variety of spin-off stories, similar to the John Copypasta meme.

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